

Alternative World Sailing Community

Nine hippies living on a 35 footer could be the nightmare of almost any boat owner… but this is just the beginning: those young sailor-hippies are about to set up an entire fleet: the Alternative World Sailing Community!! The fleet already count two vessels, the Starkeeper and the Toango, and they are sailing the South Pacific right now! The rules of the community are very radical: the boats will be owned by the people that sail them; at any time a new captain can be elected if the current one is not carrying out the desires of the majority;  no one person on the boat shall be considered more valuable than the others; anybody can apply, all that is asked of community members is a positive attitude and a contribution of talents…”Our idea of a community is that everyone can contribute with their skills and live as a family. We are organized by will and love, sharing all the tasks on the boat … Once you are on board, you immediately start the process of learning what sailing is, with a deep understanding about the relationship between man and nature … “

“We want to give young travelers access to ocean going vessels. We desire other ways of travel than airplanes, buses, and cars. We are joining in the family effort to shift from a planet of private property and consumerism to one of communal living and a deep respect for our mother, the earth. We all truly believe in a sustainable way of living. We are not fighting the old paradigm, simply creating a new paradigm will render the old way obsolete.”

Let’s follow their adventures on the Alternative World Sailing Community facebook page


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  1. Robert Sells/ CrytalFulBlue

    Love it! A new way ,change is upon us that I am not sure we can even begin to understand as we re enter the realm of all possibilities. where the limitations of what has been and is fall by the wayside! I live on a 30 foot C&C in the caribbean at the moment in St John USVI am a member of the Rainbow Peace Fleet and am excited about all that has to do with family discovering the way of living on the ocean and seas of our planet in harmony with the energy that is all! Best of luck with all and maybe someday we will sail across each others paths. Keep me posted as the family grows!

  2. Carsten Sorensen

    Hi there at the ocean.
    My best wishes for a golden future for your project.
    I think the planet is in need for other ways of living and sharing to stay fit and healthy so we as humans still have at a planet Earth to inhabit.
    Let me know if you for a period would sail with a 59 years young man from Denmark.
    Anyway good luck with the project.
    With love and respect. Carsten

    1. Michael

      Is that the same Carsten I met up in Haines Alaska bike touring?? What a coincident!

      This project sounds very cool. Hailing from Bellingham, WA where I lived on a boat myself. Heading down that way soon, hope to see you out there. Best regards and happy sailing!


  3. Steve

    Been living mostly on sailboats or van 10 years already in Quebec, yes winters on water lol love what your doing hope to meet up sometime rgds

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