[…] we had the satisfaction of hearing our engine noise for the very first time (after a radical refit that took about 2 years of our spare time). Now we are proud of the inside paintjob of the hull, a […]
[…] had the satisfaction of hearing our engine’s noise for the very first time (after a radical refit that took about 2 years of our spare time). In June we finished painting the inside of the hull, a […]
[…] senza nemmeno sforzare il motore… Ma ecco che, dopo qualche prova ad alte rivoluzioni, il motore che ci è costato cosí tanto lavoro e che consideravamo rimesso completamente a nuovo, ci […]
[…] chalets a lo largo del gran avanporto de Gruissan. Pero el jubilio duró poco: el motor que tanto trabajo y dinero nos había costado, y que considerábamos como nuevo, a la hora de la verdad nos […]
[…] le plaisir d’isser les voiles, le moteur -qui était sencé être comme noeuf, après le refit total auquel on l’a soumis- commence à faire des bruits inquiétants, et d’un coup la tête […]
“Nous savons qu’une nouvelle alliance est en train de se conclure avec ce que la nature nous offre gratuitement, une alliance qui mettra fin à l’exploitation cupide de la terre et de l’homme. II nous appartiendra d’arracher à la mainmise d’un dynamisme capitaliste, en quête de nouveaux profits, ces énergies gratuites qu’il s’apprête à nous faire payer très cher” Raoul Vaneigem (dans L’État n’est plus rien, soyons tout)
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Work status | L'Alliance
June 26, 2013 at 7:29 pm (UTC 0) Link to this comment
[…] we had the satisfaction of hearing our engine noise for the very first time (after a radical refit that took about 2 years of our spare time). Now we are proud of the inside paintjob of the hull, a […]
Summer 2013: working hard in Gruissan… | L'Alliance
October 1, 2013 at 5:24 pm (UTC 0) Link to this comment
[…] had the satisfaction of hearing our engine’s noise for the very first time (after a radical refit that took about 2 years of our spare time). In June we finished painting the inside of the hull, a […]
Un buco nell’acqua! | L'Alliance
October 2, 2013 at 9:29 pm (UTC 0) Link to this comment
[…] senza nemmeno sforzare il motore… Ma ecco che, dopo qualche prova ad alte rivoluzioni, il motore che ci è costato cosí tanto lavoro e che consideravamo rimesso completamente a nuovo, ci […]
Un éxito fracasado | L'Alliance
October 5, 2013 at 6:21 pm (UTC 0) Link to this comment
[…] chalets a lo largo del gran avanporto de Gruissan. Pero el jubilio duró poco: el motor que tanto trabajo y dinero nos había costado, y que considerábamos como nuevo, a la hora de la verdad nos […]
Travaux 2013 et situation actuelle | L'Alliance
October 5, 2013 at 9:33 pm (UTC 0) Link to this comment
[…] le plaisir d’isser les voiles, le moteur -qui était sencé être comme noeuf, après le refit total auquel on l’a soumis- commence à faire des bruits inquiétants, et d’un coup la tête […]