

Henry Wakelam passed away

We are sad to relay that Henry Wakelam left this world on April 14th 2017. His health had gone downhill within the last year, since his wife Yannik passed away, pacefully, in their garden, on November 29th 2015.

We have always been inspired by the early adventures of this famous sailor, a genius in re-floating wrecks and sail away with them, but since we met the Wakelams at their place in early 2013, we have been impressed by their consistency:  they will remain for us a model of sustainable life, based on D.I.Y and self sufficiency principles.

Henry’s physical body is resting next to Yannick’s. Their final resting place is in a beautiful location.


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  1. Paolo Stella

    Farewell Henry. He contributed to my love for sailing and building and inventing (5 patents) . This together with one of his best friend and narrators , Bernard M.

  2. John Thorn

    What an inspiration. Rest peacefully, you have earned it. Respect to you from NZ.

  3. Dominique Le Gendre

    The benefits of the internet are right here in your website which has allowed me to finally find out about Henry Wakelam who I got to know along with his family, partner Babette, son Ivan and the recently born baby Valentine in 1976 when they were in Trinidad. At the time I was an avid teenage sailor and my family and I spent many happy weekends on Nahoon while they were moored in Port of Spain harbour and at the TTYA. Later I joined them for a few weeks in Bequia and got a crash course in self-sufficiency, spending my days with Ivan dropping the fish cages early in the morning, and for our leisure roaming the island on foot or trading shells at the shipchandler’s shop from Ivan’s vast and extraordinary collection. At 10 years old, he knew the latin names of every shell in the sea. While I’m saddened by the news of Henry’s passing- and what a long life he lived- it’s great to read about his life and see the appreciations of those who knew him.
    Dominique Le Gendre

  4. Elisabeth Mangé

    Je suis la maman de la fille d’Henry (Valentine) et je cherche des infos sur lui afin quelle sache qyu est sonr père.
    En particulier ce sont ses dates de de naissance de décès.
    Merci beaucoup
    Elisabeth Mangé

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