We cleared in Panama at the end of April, in Linton Bay, a very well protected anchorage behind Isla Linton, where we can also squat the facilities of the marina. We headed there because some friend of us (and a bunch of members of La Cofradía de Navegantes Anarquistas) are stucked in this nice spot since years…
We also met a lot of new friendly sailors, and we descovered that Linton anchorage happens to be the very core of the new born network of female radical sailors (https://ladyjacks.com/).
As soon as loaded with detailed charts, we went discover the San Blas archipelago, better called Kuna Yala. We meet some young kunas in Callos Holandeses, and they joined us on board till Narganá for a “chicha” ceremony. We visited Isla Tigre, Isla Diablo, río Diablo… but we had to go back to Linton as most of the crew needed to fly back to €urope…
Meanwhile we had to solve a good amount of maintenance issues, like to refit the electric engine of the windlass, to purchase a new dinghy and a new outboard, and the usual fight against new rusty spots and hatch leaks.
In June we headed once again to Kuna Yala, with another crew setup, to better explore the eastern Callos Holandeses and Coco Bandero islands. In July we moved back and forward from Linton to San Blas for the third time to change crew members, and we finally set sail for a painful passage to Bocas del Toro (against the current and the poor wind).
In August, finally, we hauled L’Alliance out of the water to store her in a dry dock for the next 6 months: as we need to work for a while and restore the economy of the project, she gonna stand by in Almirante until we’ll be back for the next leg of the trip, in 2019.